Our dining team is dedicated to helping you make choices that fit your needs. Below is a listing of different nutritional programs and offerings that you can find at some of our dining locations.
Gluten-Free Options
The Gluten Intolerant Options Program (G.I.O.) was designed to allow students with a gluten dietary restriction to swipe for a gluten-free item at no-additional charge.
Vegetarian menu items contain no meat, fish or poultry, or any meat products such as soup base. Our vegetarian offerings meet the needs of lacto-ovo vegetarians and may include eggs and/or dairy products.
Our vegan offerings contain no meat, fish, eggs, milk or other animal-derived products such as honey.
Food Allergies
We take pride in sourcing wholesome ingredients, preparing recipes accurately and providing nutritional analysis and ingredient statements through our online menus and nutrition calculator. We are all passionate about serving students. From general manager to front line servers, we work diligently to address students’ specific needs, especially those with food allergies, Celiac disease, or special diet needs.
A team approach led by you, our educated consumer, is the best preparation for a safe school year free of allergic reactions. We want to meet one-on-one with all of our customers who have individual dining needs to ensure that your dining experience is safe, delicious, and social. If you have a food allergy/special diet concern, please contact our Registered Dietician directly!
Gina Vega | Registered Dietician | 303.871.4939 | [email protected]
Mindful is Sodexo's health & wellness approach that helps you make healthy choices second nature! We are committed to creating healthy environments for our customers. Central to this effort is providing healthy, nutritious foods. The result of this initiative is an approach that focuses on transparency of ingredients, delicious food, satisfying portions and clarity in message so that you can make Mindful choices!
Mindful offerings meet stringent nutritional criteria based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Each meal part is limited in calories, has fewer than 30% of calories as fat, fewer than 10 % of calories as saturated fat, and is restricted in sodium, and cholesterol. Look for the Mindful icon to indulge in the healthy and delicious items offered at each meal.